ESG And The Value Creation Architecture

The value creation architecture is a strategic space that consists of strategic postures and business orientations, which refers to “the right things to do” in creating value for the customer—and so should be an understanding of the “softer”, more personal dynamics needed for the levers to accomplish their heaviest lifting, when approaching ESG opportunities. For every firm, crafting their value creation architecture is of paramount importance—and should be part of a leader’s mental checklist. 

But understanding where your company is on the ESG maturity curve is a helpful and important step to further develop an agenda. An essential component on this journey is the shift from ad hoc reporting on single sustainability initiatives to a much more integrated approach where ESG is a central tenet of business management and planning. ESG is principles based, a clear demonstration of stewardship that leads to better performance. Taking into account Regulatory and Voluntary initiatives, and investor demand. 

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